Unryu Dojo is a Genbukan shop. Anyone interested in joining our dojo is encouraged to learn more about our iemoto (家元, head of school), Tsunehisa "Shoto" Tanemura, and the organizations he founded, the Genbukan World Ninpo Bugei Federation (GWNF), Kokusai Jujutsu Renmei (KJJR), and Japan Koryu World Federation (JKWF).
The GWNF, KJJR, and JKWF organizations are headquartered at the Genbukan Honbu Dojo in Saitama, Japan. The Genbukan supports dojo in 25 countries, including the United States. |
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More about Unryu Dojo:
- We are a group of martial arts enthusiasts, dedicated to keeping alive the traditional martial arts of Japan through study and training. We meet regularly to train in a wide variety of gendai and koryu martial arts. We welcome adults of any age or ability who share our interests and values.
- We regard every student as a companion on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment. Every student matters and student development is of central importance.
- We view transmission of new martial teachings as a reward for one’s level of respect, passion for learning, commitment to training (effort), and mastery of teachings received. Correction aims at "polishing the mirror," assisting students to improve their respect, spirit, commitment, and competency. Also, reception of the traditional Japanese martial arts is a privilege rather than a right. This privilege imparts a responsibility to "practice diligently and train deliberately."
- We encourage our members to learn more about Japanese history and culture. Critical study contextualizes our training activity and enhances our appreciation for the traditional arts we have received.
Within the United States, Unryu Dojo is part of the Futen shibu (region), under the direction of Mr. Michael Coleman, shihan (true master) and shibu-cho (regional director). Mr. Coleman occasionally offers Shibukai (regional seminars) that provide instruction in Soke's gendai (modern) and koryu (old-school) martial arts. Visit Mr. Coleman online at Futen Dojo or at his YouTube channel, FutenVideo. |
Anyone can learn traditional Japanese martial arts. All that is needed is a sincere desire to learn and perseverance. If you are sincere in your desire to learn traditional Japanese martial arts and willing to commit to regular training, we invite you to contact us.
Anyone can learn traditional Japanese martial arts. All that is needed is a sincere desire to learn and perseverance. If you are sincere in your desire to learn traditional Japanese martial arts and willing to commit to regular training, we invite you to contact us.
Genbukan Unryu Dojo USA is an official branch of the Genbukan Honbu Dojo, Saitama, Japan, Shoto Tanemura, headmaster (soke/soshi) and president (kancho). is a registered domain of Unryu Dojo, Landenberg, PA USA, Mark Toth, school director (dojocho) and head instructor (daishidoin). © 2009-2025 Mark Toth. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part or in any form without express permission is strictly prohibited.
Anyone can learn traditional Japanese martial arts. All that is needed is a sincere desire to learn and perseverance. If you are sincere in your desire to learn, we invite you to contact us. |